Understand the Difference Between All vs. Targeted Ad Placement on Amazon Product Ads
When placing your ad, Amazon uses two approaches, Targeted and All, both of which will directly impact who sees your ads, and when. While you don’t have a full and direct way of dictating where your ad is placed, you can increase your influence, so long as you understand the differences among the ad placements.
Targeted Ads
Targeted ads are ads for products that Amazon has decided is identical, similar, or complementary to an amazon.com catalog product. These types of ads are shown on the detail page of the Amazon-related product, inside the Product Ads in the External Websites box.
By being placed here, your ad is being viewed by customers who are looking for your product, or something mighty close or relevant. So, how can you make sure your ad is showing up on the right detail pages?
- Provide a detailed title that helps Amazon find the most relevant relationships.
- Be sure to provide an adequate bid. Amazon uses click-through rates and bids to decide which ads to display in the Product Ads from External Websites area.
- Add an image to all product ads, and be sure that ad effectively represents your product.
If you find that your product still does not show up on detail pages, your specific category might not be supported by Targeted Placement.
All Placements
Let’s say that your product is unique to the Amazon catalog. What then? Well, Amazon will create a new detail page for your product. That means that customers will be able to find your product by searching and browsing the catalog, in the Detail Page’s Buy Box, on Read all Product Review pages, and on the detail page section called Product Ads on External Websites.
To help your ad see more light, Amazon might also display this type of ad through Targeted Placement (see above). You should provide UPCs for all of your products so that Amazon can quickly determine if your product is unique to its catalog.
if your ad is unique to Amazon, it’s recommended that you provide a Recommended Browse Node which directly influences the final browse node and bidding category for your product.
Placement of Your Unique Product
Amazon will create a new detail page for a product unique to its catalog. The Buy Box can be found at the upper right-hand corner of the detail page. Your product ad can also be displayed on the amazon.com customer review pages if you provided an image for your product. Any product ads that are chosen for this area will be contingent on the relevance of that ad to the specific product being reviewed.
Your unique ad might also show up in the Product Ads placement during search results, so long as you uploaded an image. Again, the ads that show up here are based on the relevance of the ad to the product being searched.
Unique product ads can also benefit from being viewed on mobile devices, via the Amazon Shopping app for Kindle Fire, iOS, Android, and Windows Tablets. App users can actually click on the product ads and be taken to the app detail page. From there, users can click to be taken to your web site, via a “Visit this external site” button.
How to Influence Your Ad Placement
Many parameters come into play as Amazon determines how and when to place your ads; however, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a say or at least some influence in your ads’ fate. The quality of your images, the detail put into your product descriptions, and the organization of your product feed can all impact how your ad is placed. It’s also important to determine which ads in your inventory you want to be placed in a certain area of Amazon. By creating a proactive approach to your various ads, you can have a direct impact on how and when your ad is placed, and who sees it. OperationROI can help. Call us at 1-888-277-5429 or fill out our contact form to learn how we can help.